
a JavaScript library aimed at visualizing graphs of thousands of nodes and edges

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Sigma.js is a modern JavaScript library for rendering and interacting with network graphs in the browser. It works in symbiosis with graphology, a multipurpose graph manipulation library.


handles graph data model & algorithms



handles graph rendering & interactions


your web app

Quick start

I want sigma.js in my existing project:

npm install graphology sigma

Learn more on the quickstart guide

I start from nothing:

Try this CodeSandbox

Use cases


The most basic use case: you have a graph dataset, with colors, sizes and positions for each node. For instance, you exported a GEXF graph file from Gephi. You want to visualize it using on a web page.

Open in Storybook


You want to add interaction, so that your users can dig into the graph. You want to add a search field, and allow users to see the neighborhood of a node when hovering it.

Open in Storybook


You are developing a web application where users can create and manipulate graphs. You need users to be able to create nodes on click, and to drag and drop nodes.

Open in Storybook


You need to personalize the way your graphs are rendered. You need to display some nodes with pictures in them, and others differently.

Open in Storybook

Frequently asked questions

Go further

I want to know more

Look at the documentation.

I have a problem

Ask your questions on StackOverflow, or report bugs by opening a new GitHub issue.

I want to help

Contributions are welcome! Reading our contribution guide is a good start. You can also help us investigating existing issues or answering questions on StackOverflow.

In the wild

Here are a selection of applications and websites using sigma.js.

Gephi Lite

a graph visualization and exploration web application


a collaborative platform for mapping, analyzing, and sharing data-networks


a web application to help sharing graph visualizations online


a software to collect, visualize and analyze connected data


a software to write, debug, test and analyze Gremlin graph databases


a Jupyter widget to render networks in the result of a notebook cell


a web corpus curation tool featuring a research-driven web crawler


an interactive network analysis and data visualization platform


a security analysis tool for uncovering hidden Active Directory and Azure relationships


a tool for visualizing the digital footprint of companies on the Internet

MARVEL graphs

a website featuring interactive maps of Marvel's characters and creators


a tool for visualizing and exploring the structure of C# codebases