ποΈ Lifecycle
This page outlines the lifecycle and rendering processes of a sigma instance. It details the steps from instantiation to termination and explains the mechanics behind data visualization in sigma.js.
ποΈ Graph data
Sigma.js utilizes a specific data model to represent and display graphs. This section provides an overview of the core attributes and functionalities related to nodes and edges in sigma.js.
ποΈ Customizing appearance
Sigma.js offers a range of options to tailor the appearance of graphs. Depending on your needs and familiarity with the library, you can choose from simple tweaks to more advanced customizations. Here's a breakdown of the available methods:
ποΈ Renderers
ποΈ Coordinate systems
The graph space: graph
ποΈ Node and Edge Sizes
Default Behavior
ποΈ Layers
Sigma renders the graph on multiple layers. Some layers are using WebGL, some are using Canvas.
ποΈ Events
Sigma.js utilizes events as a mechanism to execute specific code in response to various actions or changes within a sigma instance. This event-driven approach allows for interactive and dynamic behaviors in graph visualizations.
ποΈ Creating new packages
From version 3, the source code of sigma.js is structured as a monorepo. We use Preconstruct to build the packages for development and production, and Lerna to manage versions lifecycle. Finally, on NPM, sigma is split into the core sigma package, and various @sigma/xxx feature packages.
ποΈ Publishing new versions
As the code is structured as a monorepo, we use Lerna to help version and publish the different packages handled in the repository.
ποΈ Migrating from v2 to v3
This guide will help users migrating their applications from sigma v2.\ to v3.\.